George and Tondra created Journey for Life to help couples to be proactive about building healthy relationships and winning in marriage.
Relationship Coaching
For over 25 years, George and Tondra Gregory have coached thousands of couples worldwide in marriage and relationships. Since 2017, they’ve served as the official chaplains of the Los Angeles Chargers and previously led the Marriage ministry at Saddleback Church. Their experience extends across the NFL, working with both current and retired couples, and they’ve been invited by teams like the New York Jets and New York Giants to provide specialized couples coaching. Their services include hosting engaging relationship talks, offering marriage-focused mentorship, and providing counseling. They are on the front lines of helping to offset a demographic that is often decimated by 70% divorce post-retirement.
In addition to relationship coaching for the Los Angeles Chargers, the Gregorys coach players, coaches, executive staff, and their families to WIN IN LIFE through executive coaching and practical mentorship rooted in a faith-based approach. They offer an array of weekly chapels, bible studies, and small group meetings to the entire organization.

Couples Event Speakers
They are fantastic speakers for conferences, retreats or strategic small groups that want to take their relationships and marriages to the next level. Beyond being formally trained as counselors and speakers, George and Tondra’s 29-year marriage testimony highlight how their personal experience equips them to help others build optimal personal relationships. Not just any event speakers, George and Tondra have a unique and dynamic speaking duo style that leave audiences with strategic game plans and tangible takeaways that produce results.
The Gregorys believe marriage is a journey – a journey for life. They have been guest speakers at some of the most influential churches in America – Lakewood, Saddleback, Gateway, etc., and various other diverse stages and platforms – Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) in New York City, Marriage Today’s XO Conference, the NBA All Star Breakfast, the NBA Legends Conference and the Professional Athletes Outreach.
The Gregory’s have a new couples video curriculum (The Five Purposes of Marriage) and have co-authored two books from their incredible experience and background: “Love’s Letters” and “Imperfect Dads, One Perfect Father: Encouraging Men Through the Journey of Fatherhood”.
Order your copies today!

Education and Training
Tondra earned her B.A. in Mass Communication at North Carolina A&T State University and a Master’s in Counseling degree from North Carolina State University. She is a nationally certified and licensed counselor specializing in relationships, marriage and family.
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