Start Your Journey For Life Now
we are George and Tondra, NFL chaplains, leaders of Marriage at Saddleback Church, relationship coaches, and motivational speakers. For the last 25 years we have been educating and equipping couples on their journey to have successful marriages and relationships.

Marriage is a journey. A journey for life!
From The Blog
25 Questions All Married Couples Should Ask
In our busy lives as married couples, one of the most important areas not to neglect is our communication. The more we talk to each other, the more we will know about each other. This will help us respond to our spouse's needs, wants and desires. In your marriage,...
Having a World Series Marriage
New York Times reported yesterday, “For much of the 20th century, the Boston Red Sox were a symbol of frustration and pain for an entire region...But for the first time since 1918, Boston was able to celebrate the victory at home, winning in front of an announced...
Equipping couples on their journey to have
successful marriages and relationships.