Start Your Journey For Life Now
we are George and Tondra, NFL chaplains, leaders of Marriage at Saddleback Church, relationship coaches, and motivational speakers. For the last 25 years we have been educating and equipping couples on their journey to have successful marriages and relationships.

Marriage is a journey. A journey for life!
From The Blog
Advice on How to Make a Marriage Work (Part 1)
Recently my father and mother celebrated 45 years of marriage. In a culture where marriage has a 50% failure rate and the words “til death do us part” seemingly have lost its staying power, this couple has something for all who seek to make marriage work and last a...
10 Scriptures Husbands Should Never Forget!
Are you a husband needing encouragement and answers for your marriage? There is hope for your marriage and answers through God’s word! From time to time we are asked to give a list of scripture references that husbands and wives can be encouraged by and pray through...
Equipping couples on their journey to have
successful marriages and relationships.